Eastern Cape
Free State
Kwazulu Natal
North West
Northern Cape
Western Cape
No. 1 of 2018
Procedure for the staffing of all schools under the control of the Eastern Cape Education Department in three year cycles.
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No 1 of 2014
Permanent appointment of temporary educators in vacant substantive posts and transfer of serving educators in terms of operational requirements
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No. 1 of 2008
Permanent appointment of temporary educators in vacant substantive posts.
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No. 1 of 2004
Record of understanding between the Department of Education, Eastern Cape and the Parties representing labour in the PELRC.
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No. 2 of 2002
Guidelines for interviews.
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No. 1 of 2017
Conversion of educators on contract into employment on a permanent basis in Eastern Cape Education Department.
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No. 1 of 2012
Appointment of temporary educators.
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No. 1 of 2006
Protocol agreement regarding the Provincial Education Labour Relations Chamber of the Eastern Cape Province.
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No. 1 of 2002
Procedure for the absorption of educators declared additional to the post established.
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No. 3 of 1999
Provisions for the appointment of persons, who do not meet the minimum requirements in promotion posts through individual relaxation of the minimum requirements as per the Personnel Administration Measures.
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No 1 of 2019
Guidelines for Advertising and Filling of Educator Posts at Institutions.
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No. 1 of 2009
Permanent appointment of temporary educators.
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No. 1 of 2003
Guidelines for advertising and filling of educator posts at education institutions.
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No. 1 of 2012
Guidelines for advertising and filling of educator posts at institutions.
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No 3 of 2003
Guideline in handling grievances of educators in terms of the grievance procedure in personnel administration measures
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No. 2 of 2003
Guidelines for advertising and filling of office-bound educator posts.
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No 1 of 2021
Collective Agreement on the Recruitment and Placement for Educators at Schools.
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No 1 of 2014
The Process of Acquiring Organizational Rights in the Education Sector
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No. 2 of 2005
Recruitment and placement procedures for Institution-based educators
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No. 1 of 2017 - Addendum
Criteria for the transfer of educators identified as additional to the school establishment due to operational reasons in accordance with Section 4 of Collective Agreement No. 1 of 2017 in the three year cycle.
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No. 1 of 2014
Procedure for dealing with the placement of Further Education and Training (FET) College lecturers who remain in employment with the Department of Education: KwaZulu-Natal in terms of Collective Agreement numbers 4 and 5 of 2007.
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No 1 of 2011
Agreement on an expedited process to eradicate the backlog of displaced educators
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No 2 of 2008
Procedure for dealing with institution-based educators who have been displaced as a result of work related violence or intimidation
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No 1 of 2007
Distribution of Early Childhood Development (ECD) posts for 2007
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No. 1 of 2017
Procedure for the staffing of all schools under the control of the KwaZulu-Natal Education Department in three years cycles.
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No. 2 of 2014
Framework and guidelines for implementation of educator incentives in KZN.
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No 1 of 2010
Procedures and practices for the filling of office-based promotion posts
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No 1 of 2008
The grievance procedures for handling school-based promotion grievances
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No 2 of 2007
Multi term agreement in the staffing of schools under the control of the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education
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No 1 of 2006
Procedures for the appointment and Promotion of Educators in FET Colleges
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No 3 of 2006
Determination and distribution of the educator post establishment of public schools in KwaZulu-Natal for 2007
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No 5 of 2006
Procedures for the appointment and Promotion of Educators in FET Colleges
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No 2 of 2005
Procedure for filling of office-based promotion posts
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No 2 of 2004
The grievance procedure for handling school-based promotion grievances
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No 2 of 2006
Finalization of the post establishment of public schools in KwaZulu-Natal for 2006
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No 4 of 2006
Distribution of curriculum redress posts to public schools in KwaZulu-Natal for 2006
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No 1 of 2005
Affirmative Action Policy
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No 1 of 2004
Grievance procedure for handling of school-based promotion grievances
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no 1 of 2003
Procedures for the conduct of meetings of the KwaZulu-Natal Chamber of the ELRC
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Policy on Act Allowance
Policy on the payment of acting allowances for educators appointed to act in higher posts
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Procedure for Act Posts
Procedures for the appoitnemnt of acting personnel in school based management posts
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No 1 of 2001
Regional Grievance Committee
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No 1 of 2000
The filling of identified posts of heads of department in the Pietermaritzburg region
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No 15 of 1997
Interim staff provisioning for colleges of education in respect of state funded educator posts
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No 1 of 2002
Procedure for the filling of school based promotion posts for CS educators
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No 2 of 2002
The absorption of displaced educators
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No 2 of 2001
Procedure for the implementation of the post provisioning norm
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No 1 of 1998
No 1 of 1997
Acting superintendents of education management
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No 2 of 1997
Regional office based posts
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No 5 of 1997
The Kwesha committee on displaced educators
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No 7, 8 and 9 of 1997
Establishment of a standing committee of chamber as a replacement to the executive committee.
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No 11 of 1997
Criteria for school-based posts
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No 14 of 1997
Criteria for shortlisting and interviewing of applicants for technical college based posts
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No 3 of 1997
School based promotions
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Procedures for the conduct of meetings of the KwaZulu-Natal Chamber of the ELRC
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No 6 of 1997
Criteria for the filling of head office and regional posts
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No 10 of 1997
Interim staff provisioning for technical colleges in respect of state funded educator posts
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No 12 of 1997
Filling of principals' posts in LSEN schools
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No 1 of 1996
Resolution that a committee be appointed
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NO. 2 OF 2020
Amendments of Limpopo's Collective Agreement No. 1 of 2008. Guidelines for sifting, shortlisting and interview procedures for school and office-based educator posts 
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No 1 of 2012
Implementation of the 2012 schools post establishments - As ratified
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No. 1 of 2008
Guidelines for sifting, shortlisting and interview procedures
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No 1 of 2006
Permanent appointment of temporary educators
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No 1 of 2005
Selection criteria for the appointment of Grade 12 examiners
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No. 1 of 2020
Amendment of Limpopo Collective Agreement No. 1 of 2009 on the selection criteria for the appointment of Grade 12 NSC Markers
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No 1 of 2009
Selection criteria for the appointment of Grade 12 markers
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No 1 of 2007
Permanent appointment of temporary educators
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No 2 of 2006
Amendment of collective agreement No 1 of 2006
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No 1 of 2004
Selection criteria for the appointment of ABET examiners
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No. 2 of 1996
Shortlisting criteria and procedure.
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No. 4 of 1997
Norm times and rates of pay for Senior Certificate Markers.
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No. 1 of 1998
Selection criteria for the appointment of College Examiners.
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No. 1 of 1997
Uniform pay date for educators.
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No. 4 of 1997
Norm times and rates of pay for senior certificate markers.
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No. 3 of 1997
Selection criteria for the appointment of examiners.
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No. 1 of 2000
Shortlisting procedure and interview guidelines.
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No. 1 of 1998
Selection criteria for the appointment of college examiners.
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No. 2 of 1997
Interviewing guidelines.
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No. 3 of 1997
Procedures for the conduct of meetings of the KwaZulu-Natal Chamber of the ELRC
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No. 2 of 1996
Shortlisting criteria and procedure.
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No. 2 of 1997
Interviewing guidelines. 
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No. 1 of 2014
Transfer of serving educators in terms of operational requirements and permanent appointment of temporary teachers in vacant substantive posts.
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No 2 of 2010
Remuneration for the extended working days during the September 2010 school holidays
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No 1 of 2011
Permanent appointment of temporary educators in vacant substantive posts
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No 1 of 2009
Advertising of principals' posts in the print media
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No 1 of 2014
The provincial procedures for Principals displaced as a result of rationalisation, merger and/or closure of schools in giving effect to Collective Agreement 2 of 2003.
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No. 1 of 2010
Permanent appointment of temporary educators
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No 1 of 2013
The provincial procedure for principals displaced as a result of rationalisation, merger and/or closure of schools in giving effect to Resolution 2 of 2003
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No. 1 of 2006
Permanent appointment of temporary educators
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No 1 of 2023
Northern Cape Collective Agreement 1 of 2023.
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No 1 of 2002
Interpretation of ELRC Resolution 5 of 1998
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No 2 of 2002
Terms of reference for the Western Cape provincial chamber's Standing Committee (STANCO)
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No. 1 of 2018
Amendment Of Collective Agreement 2 of 2002 (Western Cape Chamber):
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No. 1 of 2023
Collective Agreement 1 of 2023 (Western Cape Chamber):
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