The Council congratulates the class of 2022 on the national pass rate of 80.1%, which is an improvement of 3.7%, compared to the 2021 results. The class of 2022 is also commended for its resilience and for achieving more bachelor and diploma passes than previous years.
We applaud the Department of Basic Education for ensuring a high degree of stability in the system, despite the many challenges faced over the past two years.
The Department is also applauded for the historic improvement in provincial results, as all provinces improved and performed above the 70% mark.
The teacher unions, together with their members, the teachers of our nation are praised for the instrumental role that they play in ensuring quality learning and teaching in our classrooms and the impressive national results for 2022.
“… may this strand of distinction precipitate the start of a lifelong journey of achievement,
Inspired by the heartfelt yearning of patrons for a brighter, educated nation.”
To the class of 2022, may you continue to strive for excellence and exhibit the same dedication displayed during the 13 years of foundation, primary and secondary learning, in your working lives.
We wish you well.
Issued by the General Secretary on behalf of the Executive Committee of the ELRC.