Please click here for 2017 Education Indaba Documents
ELRC Education Indaba Report - 2018
Commission 2 Feedback - ECD
Key priorities for the sector - Department of Basic Education
Priority matters - CTU-ATU
Early Childhood Development Work Stream Presentation
Qualifications Framework - Department of Higher Education and Training
Commission 1 Feedback - PPN
2018 Education Indaba Document
Priorities of teachers and learners - SADTU
Post Provisioning Work Stream Presentation
Overview of Day 1 deliberations
ELRC Education Indaba 2017 Abridged Report
Annexure B. National Report on the Post Provisioning Policy Implementation.
Annexure D. Strategic Imperatives - Teacher Unions (CTU-ATU)
Annexure E2. Free State Department of Education Strategic Imperatives
Annexure E4. KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education Strategic Imperatives
Annexure A. Declaration of the Education Indaba
Annexure C. Strategic Imperatives - Government For Public Education
Annexure E1. Eastern Cape Department of Education Strategic Imperatives
Annexure E3. Gauteng Department of Education Strategic Imperatives
Annexure E5. Limpopo Department of Education Strategic Imperatives
Annexure E6. Mpumalanga Department of Education Strategic Imperatives
Annexure E8. Northwest Department of Education Strategic Imperatives
Annexure F. Stats SA - Education and Demographic Dividend
Annexure G. DBE SA-SAMS
Annexure I2. Commission 2 - ECD Summary
Annexure E7. Northern Cape Department of Education Strategic Imperatives
Annexure E9. Western Cape Department of Education Strategic Imperatives
Annexure H. SADTU Presentation
Annexure I1. Commission 1 - PPN Summary
Annexure I3. Commission 3 - Curriculum Summary
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